Is This Thing On? Embracing a New Advertising Language.

David Ogilvy once said: “If you’re trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language, the language in which they think. ربح المال مجانا

Make no mistake about it, the language in which consumers are speaking has changed rapidly and it’s changing even more rapidly each and every day. Brands are engaged in immersive conversations where the microphone and audience are always on. As advertisers, it is our job to identify these conversations and insert the brands we represent into the mainstream conversation.

However, the art of storytelling is no longer a one-way conversation. Audiences are no longer tied to tv sets sitting at the mercy of the advertiser and tv station. They are talking their own language using Blogger, Twitter and Facebook. They join their online friends to share news, gossip, opinions, recommendations and the latest spoof of the Heineken Beer Closet ad.

With such a dynamic and diverse advertising platform, advertisers need to create campaigns and concepts that have a strong talkability factor. Talkability is a savvy brand message that is strategically delivered in a way where consumers are engaged in active conversations opening up brand participation. This is a new advertising language that requires branding strategies to incorporate user-generated or community elements. It is creating content that will encourage people to become engaged, spread the brand word, draw in millions of players and take on a life of its own. كيف تربح في البوكر It’s a state of constant communication. لعب روليت مجاني A model that requests advertisers to be flexible and agile enough to continuously adapt to the world of the consumer. Though this type of advertising seems incontrollable, embracing this new advertising language requires advertisers who aren’t afraid to start and spark the conversation.

Is your agency or brand leading the conversation? Join the discussion, throw us a comment or email us your thoughts or questions-we’d love to start a conversation with you.

My photo-tv being smashed:

Blog Post By:
Josh Munsee, Creative Director

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